Sujay Sanghavi - Biography

Sujay has an MS and PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and an MS in Mathematics, from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign (UIUC); his undergraduate degree is a B.Tech from IIT Bombay. He subsequently did a postdoc in LIDS at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Sujay is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Texas, Austin in the ECE department. Sujay's research focuses on methodlogical innovation in machine learning using ideas from optimization, statistics, graph theory and algorithms.

Sujay is also interested in learning from and applying ideas in industry; he has been a Visiting Scientist at Google, a senior quant at Engineers Gate, and is currently a Principal Research Scientist and Amazon Scholar at Amazon.

Sujay received the NSF CAREER award, and a Young Investigator award from DTRA.