

[1] J. W. Massey and A. E. Yılmaz, “AustinMan and AustinWoman: high-fidelity, anatomical voxel models developed from the VHP color images,” in Proc. IEEE EMBC Int. Symp., Aug. 2016.

[2] J. W. Massey, C. Liu, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Benchmarking to close the credibility gap: A computational BioEM benchmark suite,” in Proc. URSI EMTS, Aug. 2016.

[3] J. Massey, F. Wei, and A. E. Yılmaz, “A hybrid surface-volume integral equation method for analyzing scattering from voxel-based anatomical human models with smooth skin,” in Proc. USNC/URSI Rad. Sci. Meet., July 2014.

[4] F. Wei and A. E. Yılmaz, “A more scalable and efficient parallelization of the adaptive integral method part II: BIOEM application,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 62, no.2, pp. 727-738, Feb. 2014.

[5] F. Wei and A. E. Yılmaz, Surface-preconditioned AIM-accelerated surface-volume integral equation solution for bioelectromagnetics,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Electromagnetics Adv. App. (ICEAA), Sep. 2012, pp. 869-872.

[6] J. W. Massey, C. S. Geyik, N. Techachainiran, C.-L. Hsu, R. Q. Nguyen, T. Latson, M. Ball, E. Celik, and A. E. Yılmaz, “AustinMan and AustinWoman: High fidelity, reproducible, and open-source electromagnetic voxel models,” in Proc. BIOEMS, June 2012.

[7] K. Yang, F. Wei, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Truncated multigrid versus pre-corrected FFT/AIM for bioelectromagnetics: When is O(N) better than O(NlogN)?” in Proc. Computational Electromagnetics Int. Workshop, pp. 153-158, Oct. 2011.


[1] K. Yang, A. E. Yılmaz, C. T.-Verdin, “A goal-oriented framework for rapid integral-equation-based simulation of borehole resistivity measurements of 3D hydraulic fractures,” Geophysics, vol. 82, no. 2, pp. D121-D131, Mar. 2017.

[2] P. Zhang, J. Shiriyev, Y. Brick, J. Massey, C. Torres-Verdin, A. E. Yılmaz, and M. Sharma, “Fracture diagnostics using a low frequency electromagnetic induction method,” in Proc. ARMA, June 2016.

[3] K. Yang, C. T.-Verdin, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Detection and quantification of 3D hydraulic fractures with vertical borehole induction resistivity measurements,” Geophysics, vol. 81, no. 4, pp. E259-E264, July-Aug. 2016.

[4] K. Yang, C. T. Verdin, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Detection and quantification of three dimensional hydraulic fractures with horizontal borehole resistivity measurements,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 4605-4615, Aug. 2015.

[5] K. Yang and A. E. Yılmaz, “FFT accelerated analysis of scattering from complex dielectrics embedded in uniaxial layered media,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 662-666, July 2013.

[6] K. Yang and A. E. Yılmaz, “A three dimensional adaptive integral method for scattering from structures embedded in layered media,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1130-1139, Apr. 2012.

Wave Propagation in Complex Media

[1] X.-X. Liu, J. W. Massey, M. F. Wu, K. T. Kim, R. A. Shore, A. E. Yılmaz, and A. Alu, “Homogenization of three-dimensional metamaterial objects and validation by a fast surface-integral equation solver,” Optics Express, vol. 21, no. 19, pp. 21714-21727, Sep. 2013.

[2] K. Yang and A. E. Yılmaz, “FFT accelerated analysis of scattering from complex dielectrics embedded in uniaxial layered media,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 662-666, July 2013.

[3] Y. Li, M.-F. Wu, A. Yılmaz, and H. Ling, “On wave propagation mechanisms in a dielectric rod array,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 2337-2342, Apr. 2013.

[4] B. Reeja-Jayan, K. L. Harrison, K. Yang, C.-L. Wang, A. E. Yilmaz, and A. Manthiram, “Microwave-assisted low-temperature growth of thin films in solution,” Sci. Rep., vol. 2, Dec. 2012.

[5] K. Yang and A. E. Yılmaz, “A three dimensional adaptive integral method for scattering from structures embedded in layered media,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 1130-1139, Apr. 2012.

[6] M. F. Wu, G. Kaur, and A. E. Yılmaz, “A multiple-grid adaptive integral method for multi-region problems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag.,  vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 1601-1613, May 2010.

[7] H. Bağcı, A. E. Yılmaz, V. Lomakin, and E. Michielssen, “Fast solution of mixed-potential time-domain integral equations for half-space environments,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing , vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 269-279, Feb. 2005.

Antennas and EMC/EMI

[1] J. W. Massey, V. Subramanian, C. Liu, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Analyzing UHF band antennas near humans with a fast integral-equation method,” in Proc. EUCAP, Apr. 2016.

[2] V. Subramanian and A. E. Yılmaz, “An envelope tracking hybrid field-circuit simulator for narrowband analysis of nonlinearly loaded wire antennas,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech.., Feb. 2014.

[3] F. Wei and A. E. Yılmaz, “A scalable nested preconditioner for improving the AIM-accelerated analysis of antennas near the human body,” in Proc. USNC/URSI Rad. Sci. Meet., July 2013.

[4] F. Wei and A. E. Yılmaz, Surface-preconditioned AIM-accelerated surface-volume integral equation solution for bioelectromagnetics,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Electromagnetics Adv. App. (ICEAA), Sep. 2012, pp. 869-872.

[5] H. Bağcı, A. E. Yılmaz, and E. Michielssen, “An FFT-accelerated time-domain multiconductor transmission line simulator,” IEEE Trans. EMC, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 199-214, Feb. 2010.

[6] A. E. Yılmaz, Z. Lou, E. Michielssen, and J. M. Jin, “A single boundary, implicit, and FFT-accelerated time-domain finite element-boundary integral solver,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1382-1397, May 2007.

[7] H. Bağcı, A. E. Yılmaz, J. M. Jin, and E. Michielssen, “Fast and rigorous analysis of EMC/EMI phenomena on electrically large and complex cable-loaded structures,” IEEE Trans. EMC, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 361-381, May 2007.

Electronic Packaging

[1] C. Liu, A. Menshov, V. Subramanian, K. Aygun, H. Braunisch, V. I. Okhmatovski, and A. E. Yılmaz, “Toward predictive modeling of full-size packages with layered-medium integral-equation methods,” in Proc. EPEPS, Oct. 2016.

[2] A. Menshov, K. Yang, V. Okhmatovski, and A. E. Yılmaz, “An H-matrix accelerated direct solver for fast analysis of scattering from structures in layered media,” in Proc. USNC/URSI Rad. Sci. Meet., July 2015.

[3] K. Yang and A. E. Yılmaz, “Comparison of pre-corrected FFT/adaptive integral method matching schemes,” Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 1368-1372, June 2011.

[4] A. E. Yılmaz, J. M. Jin, and E. Michielssen, “Analysis of low-frequency electromagnetic transients by an extended time-domain adaptive integral method,” IEEE Trans. Adv. Pack., vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 301-312, May 2007.

[5] A. E. Yılmaz, J. M. Jin, and E. Michielssen, “A TDIE-based asynchronous electromagnetic-circuit simulator,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 122-124, Mar. 2006.

[6] A. E. Yılmaz, J. M. Jin, and E. Michielssen, “A parallel FFT accelerated transient field-circuit simulator,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2851-2865, Sep. 2005.

[7] H. Bağcı, A. E. Yılmaz, V. Lomakin, and E. Michielssen, “Fast solution of mixed-potential time-domain integral equations for half-space environments,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing , vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 269-279, Feb. 2005.

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