Step 1a) How to install Keil uVision Version 5 for the ARM, MDK-Lite (32KB) Edition
Keil uVision only runs on Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10.) We are really sorry, but there are no solutions for Linux. The Lite version of Keil application does not require a serial number or license key. Go to and follow the directions provided on the ARM web site. Set your device to MSP432. It should not cost any money if you select MDK-Lite Version 5 with 32KB Code Size limit. ARM does provide support for Keil via its ARM University. You will need to install the service pack for the MSP432. So if you have any Keil-specific questions you could register and post them at
Step 1b) How to install Texas Instruments' Code Composer Studio
Go to and follow the directions provided on the Texas Instruments web site. Set your device to MSP432. It should not cost any money if you develop software for the MSP432. TI does provide support for CCS via its e2e forum. So if you have any CCS-specific questions you could register and post them at
Step 2) Download TI's example code for the MSP432
Example projects and Windows drivers are available from TI. Go to MSPWARE and follow the directions on the TI web site. These examples are written in a professional style where the objective is reliable execution, fast prototyping, and portability. My style for the code in these books is extremely different. The objective of the my software is understanding what the code does and how the code works. I strongly encourage you to view both styles. I suggest you use my code to learn how the microcontroller works, but use the TI code when developing large professional systems. Search for the MSP432 projects and driverlib. For example, find these two folders:
Step 3) Download Valvano's example code for the MSP432
Example projects from the books are available for download. These projects can be run with either Keil uVision 5 or CCS
1) Download saving the 32M file on your computer.
2) Unzip this file placing at any convenient place on your computer
Step 4) Windows drivers for the MSP432 board
Once MSPWARE is installed you will need to install the windows drivers for your Texas Instruments microcontroller board. The process is the same for both the MSP432, TM4C123 and the TM4C1294 LaunchPads. Plugging the board in for the first time will automatically install the windows drivers for the board. You will need the actual physical LaunchPad board to complete this step. Installing drivers can be tricky so post your questions at
Keil uVision Lab for the TI MSP432 Board
This hands-on lab demonstrates various examples with the TI MSP432 Family processors and Keil µVision IDE. The Blinky, RTX-Blinky, LoPower and DSP Sine examples are included in the APNT_276.ZIP file below. All examples are compliant to Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS v4.5.0). Serial Wire Viewer trace, memory reads and writes and the RTX Kernel Awareness Viewer using the uVision debugging tools are shown. Go to ARM Application Note 276