Chapter 7: Design and Development

Jonathan Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi

As part of the edX online class, we made some interactive web pages to illustrate fundamental concepts

Interactive web pages: Table of Contents

2. Fundamental Concepts Number conversions
5. Introduction to C Flowcharts, C vs assembly
6. Microcontroller Ports Input/output, direction register
7. Design and Development Successive refinement, if-then, loops
10. Finite State Machines Vending machine and stepper motor
11. UART Serial Interface Blind, busy-wait, interrupt, serial port
12. Interrupts Mail box, context switch
13. DAC and Sound Sampling rate, precision, how a DAC works
14. ADC and Data Acquisition    How an ADC works, Nyquist Theorem


The system has seven binary inputs from the switches and one binary output to the door lock. The state of this system is defined as “door locked” and “door unlocked”. Initially, we want the door to be locked, which we can make happen by turning a solenoid off (make binary output low). If the 7-bit binary pattern on the switches matches a pre-defined keycode, then we want to unlock the door (make binary output high). Because the switches might bounce (flicker on and off) when changed, we will make sure the switches match the pre-defined keycode for at least 1 ms before unlocking the door. We can change states by writing to the output port for the solenoid. Like most embedded systems, there is no ending state. Once the switches no longer match the keycode the door will lock again. The first step in successive refinement is to divide the tasks into those performed once (Initialization), and those tasks repeated over and over (Execute lock), as shown as the left flowchart in the Interactive tool 7.0 As shown in the middle flow chart, we implement if the switches match the key, then unlock. If the switches do not match we will lock the door. To verify the user entered the proper keycode the switches must match, then match again after 1ms. There are two considerations when designing a system: security and safety. Notice that the system will lock the door if power is removed, because power applied to the solenoid will unlock the door. For safety reasons, there should be a mechanical way to unlock the door from the inside in case of emergency.

Interactive Tool 7.0

The animation below shows how successive refinement is done in designing a solution to this problem. Click on the expand button to generate new flowcharts.


Interactive Tool 7.1

If-Then Statement - The statements inside an if statement will execute once if the condition is true. If the condition is false, the program will skip those instructions. Choose two unsigned integers as variables a and b, press run and follow the flow of the program and examine the output screen. You can repeat the process with different variables.
variable a: variable b:

C Code Start Output Start Output End True Output Taken a<b False End
volatile long a;
volatile long b;

int main () {
printf("Starting the Construct ...\n");
if (a<b){
printf("a is less than b\n");
printf("Ending the Construct ...\n");
return 0;
Output Screen

Interactive Tool 7.2

If-then-else - If statements can be expanded by an "else" statement. If the condition is false, the program will execute the statements under the "else" statement. Choose two unsigned integers as variable a and b, press run and follow the flow of the program and examine the output screen. You can repeat the process with different variables.
variable a: variable b:

C Code True False End Output Not Taken Start Output Start Output End Output Taken a<b
volatile unsigned long a;
volatile unsigned long b;

int main () {
printf("Starting the Construct ...\n");
if (a<b){
printf("a is less than b\n");
} else {
printf("a is not less than b\n");
printf("Ending the Construct ...\n");
return 0;
Output Screen

Interactive Tool 7.3

The while loop - The statements inside a while statement, will continuously be executed if the while condition is true. If the condition is/becomes false, the program will skip the loop and continue with the execution of the remaining statements. Choose an unsigned integer less than 100000 as variable a, press run and follow the flow of the program and examine the output screen. The loop continuously divides the variable a by 10 and outputs the result. You can repeat the process with different variables.
variable a:

C Code True False a>0 End a = a / 10; Start Output Start Output End Output a
volatile unsigned long a; // a is always less than 100000

int main () {
printf("Starting the loop ..., a = %d\n",a);
while (a>0){
a = (a/10);
printf("current a = %d\n",a);
printf("Ending the loop ...\n");
return 0;
Output Screen


Interactive Tool 7.4

The do-while loop - The statements inside a do-while statement will always be executed once, and will continuously be executed if the while condition is true. If the condition becomes false, the program will skip the loop and continue with the execution of the remaining statements. Choose an unsigned integers less than 100000 as variable a, press run and follow the flow of the program and examine the output screen. The loop continuously divides the variable a by 10 and outputs the result. You can repeat the process with different variables.
variable a:

C Code False True End a = a / 10; Start Output Start Output End Output a a>0
volatile unsigned long a;

int main () {
printf("Starting the loop ..., a = %d\n",a);
do {
a = (a/10);
printf("current a = %d\n",a);
} while (a>0);
printf("Ending the loop ...\n");
return 0;
Output Screen

Interactive Tool 7.5

The for loop - A for loop functionality is similar to a while loop, with automatic initialization and update. It is usually used when the number of iterations is known. One variable is used as a counter of iterations. The first field of a "for loop" is the initialization, which is always executed once. The second field is the condition to be checked. The loop will continue being executed until the condition becomes false. The third field (update) is executed at the end of each iteration and is usually used for incrementing/decrementing the counter. Choose a number less than 6 for variable a, and observe the flow of the following program. You can repeat the process with different variables.
variable a:

C Code True False i = 0 Start Output Start Output End Output i i<a End i = i + 1
volatile long a; // a must be less than 6 in this example.

int main () {
int i;
printf("Starting the loop ...\n");
for (i=0;i<a;i++){
printf("current i = %d\n",i);
printf("Ending the loop ...\n");
return 0;
Output Screen


Reprinted with approval from Embedded Systems: Introduction to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers, 2016, ISBN: 978-1477508992,


Creative Commons License
Embedded Systems - Shape the World by Jonathan Valvano and Ramesh Yerraballi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at