EE381K Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing


Telecommunication and Signal Processing Seminar

"An Overview of Sonar Beamforming Algorithms and Implementations"


Gregory E. Allen

Applied Research Laboratories

The University of Texas, Austin, TX

Monday, October 16, 2:30 PM, ENS 602

We first give an overview of continuous-time and discrete-time approaches to beamforming. Beamforming is a signal processing technique applied to the data received by an array of sensors to detect and locate objects in an environment, e.g. locating whales using sonar. Beamformers use the spatial and temporal information to improve source localization. In discrete-time beamformers, the data is sampled in space and time. We can use additional time samples (snapshots) to improve resolution. After the overview, we will discuss real-time implementations of sonar beamformers, which require several GFLOPS of computation.

For additional information:

For more information contact: Greg Allen <>

 Abstract provided by Brian Evans <>