A Systematic Approach to Parallel Algorithms
Vijay K. Garg,
In this forthcoming book, I show that many parallel (and sequential) algorithms can be
derived in a systematic manner. In our approach, a problems is cast as searching for an element
satisfying an appropriate predicate in a distributive lattice. Multiple processes cooperate
to determine the element. Our method solves and generalizes many classical combinatorial optimization problems including:
Shortest Path Problems : Dijkstra's algorithm, Bellman-Ford's algorithm, Johnson's algorithm
Stable Marriage Problem : Gale-Shapley algorithm, Irving's algorithms for Super-Stable marriage and Strongly-Stable Marriage
Assignment Problem : Demange-Gale-Sotomayor algorithm
Housing Allocation : Gale's algorithm
Dynamic Programming Problems : Algorithm for the longest subsequence, Optimal binary search tree problem, Knapsack problem
Minimum Spanning Tree Problem : Prim's extended algorithm
Horn Satisfiability Problem : Algorithm to check for satisfiability of Horn's formula
Connected Components Problem : Algorithm to determine connected components in an undirected graph
These results are in the following publications:
- Vijay K. Garg,
Predicate Detection to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems
SPAA 2020
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- Vijay K. Garg,
A Lattice Linear Predicate Parallel Algorithm for the Dynamic Programming Problems
- Vijay K. Garg,
Invited Paper: A Lattice Linear Predicate Parallel Algorithm for the Housing Market Problem
Proc. SSS 2021.
- Arya Tanmay Gupta, Sandeep S Kulkarni,
Extending Lattice linearity for Self-Stabilizing Algorithms
Proc. SSS 2021.
- David R. Alves, Vijay K. Garg,
Parallel Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms via Lattice Linear Predicate Detection
Proc. PDCO (Parallel and Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization) 2022.
- Vijay K. Garg,
Lattice Linear Predicate Algorithms for the Constrained Stable Marriage Problem with Ties
A very rough draft of the book is available here.