





At its core, research in my group has traditionally been concerned with electronic system-level design (ESL/SLD) of embedded computer systems, where a specific focus has been on system-level design automation methodologies, technologies and tools. Many results continue to flow into the development of the System-on-Chip Design Enviroment (SCE), which realizes an automated design flow for synthesis of high-level system specifications down to highly heterogeneous multi-processor and multi-core systems-on-chip (MPCSoCs) spanning across hardware and software boundaries. A commercial derivate of SCE, called called SER (Specify-Explore-Refine), has been developed and deployed for use in suppliers of space-electronic components for the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Both SCE and SER are based on the SpecC system-level design language (SLDL), which has been cited as major reference for the development of SystemC, the leading, industry-standard SLDL today.

More recently, I have become interested in emerging system design challenges at the boundaries of embedded, general-purpose, high-performance and distributed computing, where traditional boundaries are blurring. This creates fundamentally new design challenges and research opportunities that we aim to investigate in my group.

More details about recent and on-going research projects in my group are available on my group's webpage.

Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge Computing

In the Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and edge computing, applications and architectures are characterized by inherently networked and distributed processing of data-intensive tasks on small, resource-constrained embedded devices. In such networks-of-systems (NoS), computation and communication are tightly coupled. This brings new challenges and opportunities for co-design of system devices, networks, and the mapping of applications onto them. We aim to develop novel network-level design and design automation approaches to support such co-design of IoT, edge computing and networked CPS/embedded systems. This includes research into novel application programming models, application partitioning approaches, runtimes and middlewares, mapping tools, as well as fast and accurate NoS/IoT simulators and design space exploration solutions.

Accelerator-Rich, Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architectures

With architectural innovations and technology scaling reaching fundamental limits, energy efficiency is one of the primary design concerns today. It is well-accepted that specialization and heterogeneity can achieve both high performance and low power consumption, but there are fundamental tradeoffs between flexibility and specialization in determining the right mix of cores on a chip. Furthermore, with increasing acceleration, communication between heterogeneous components is rapidly becoming the major bottleneck, where architectural and runtime support for orchestration of data movement and optimized mapping of applications is critical. We study these questions through algorithm/architecture co-design of specialized architectures and accelerators for various domains, as well as novel system architectures and tools for accelerator integration and heterogeneous system design.

Machine Learning-Based Power and Performance Prediction

Early power and performance estimation is a key challenge in computer system design today. Traditional simulation-based or purely analytical methods are often too slow or inaccurate. We instead aim to apply advanced machine learning techniques to synthesize models that can accurately predict the power and performance of hardware or software components in a target platform purely from statistics obtained while performing high-level simulations or natively executing code on a host. We study such learning-based approaches for modeling of both software running on CPUs and hardware accelerators. In addition, we investigate approaches for machine learning-based modeling and prediction of workload behavior to aid in runtime optimization of systems.

Source-Level Simulation and Host-Compiled Modeling

Simulations remain one of the primary mechanisms for early validation and exploration of software-intensive systems with complex, dynamic multi-core and multi-processor interactions. With traditional virtual platforms becoming too inaccurate or slow, we are investigating alternative, fast yet accurate source-level and host-compiled simulation approaches. In such models, fast functional source code is back-annotated with statically estimated target metrics and natively compiled and executed on a simulation host. So-called host-compiled models extend pure source-level approaches by wrapping back-annotated code into lightweight models of operating systems and processors that can be further integrated into standard, SystemC-based transaction-level modeling (TLM) backplanes for co-simulation with other system components.

Approximate Computing

Approximate computing has emerged as a novel paradigm for achieving significant energy savings by trading off computational precision and accuracy in inherently error-tolerant applications, such as machine learning, recognition, synthesis and signal processing systems. This introduces a new notion of quality into the design process. We are exploring such approaches at various levels. At the hardware level, we have studied fundamentally achievable quality-energy (Q-E) tradeoffs in core arithmetic and logic circuits applicable to a wide variety of applications. The on-going goal is fold such insights into formal analysis and synthesis techniques for automatic generation of Q-E optimized hardware and software systems.

System Compilation and Synthesis

The key to automation of any design process (synthesis) is a formal design methodology with well-defined, semantically sound models and transformation. At the system level, concurrent models of computation (MoCs) for specification of system behavior are transformed into instances of models of architectures (MoAs), which are then further synthesized into heterogeneous hardware and software. Within this context, we are investigating algorithms and tools for system-level synthesis of widely-used parallel programming MoCs onto MPCSoC platforms all the way down to final hardware and software implementations. Overall, this is aimed at establishing a complete system compiler that can automatically and optimally map parallel application models onto heterogeneous multi-processor/multi-core platforms, which include FPGAs and other hardware components.