ECE 313 builds a mathematical foundation for analyzing signals and
systems in a wide variety of applications, including speech, audio,
image and video processing as well as communications and control
Topics include representation of signals and systems, system properties,
sampling, Laplace and z-transforms, transfer functions, frequency
responses, convolution, stability, Fourier transform, feedback, and
control applications, as well as computer analysis using MATLAB and
ECE 313 feeds into several ECE specializations, including Data Science
& Machine Learning, Energy Systems & Renewable Energy, and
Communications, Networks & Systems.
The course will consist of lectures on the board/tablet as well as Python live demos.
The course will follow the text,
Oppenheim and Willsky, Signals and Systems (2nd Edition),
Prentice Hall; 2 edition (August 1996) ISBN 0138147574
The online class system is hosted on Canvas: [Canvas Course Page]
Handouts will be distributed there. We will also use Canvas to send group e-mails and do online grading. Please make sure you know how to access Canvas and that you are listed there as a student.
We will also use Piazza for online discussions: [Piazza Course Page]
This is a good place to post questions, which can be answered by the instructor, TA, or other students. Since students often have related questions, this is also a good place to look to see other questions and answers.
Assignments and exams will be graded using Gradescope: [Gradescope Course Page]
Gradescope allows the course instructors to quickly grade and return your work in a timely manner.
Links to Piazza and Gradescope are also available through the Canvas course page.
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