
  1. Preprints
  2. Journal Publications
  3. Conference Proceedings
  4. Refereed Conference Abstracts
  5. Selected Talks


  1. Y Arefeen, B Levac, Z Stoebner, J Tamir,
    Infusion: Diffusion regularized implicit neural representations for 2d and 3d accelerated mri reconstruction,
    June 2024.

  2. A Aali, G Daras, B Levac, S Kumar, AG Dimakis, JI Tamir,
    Ambient diffusion posterior sampling: Solving inverse problems with diffusion models trained on corrupted data,
    March 2024.

  3. S Ravula, B Levac, A Jalal, JI Tamir, AG Dimakis,
    Optimizing sampling patterns for compressed sensing mri with diffusion generative models,
    June 2023.

  4. S Iyer, D Polak, C Liao, JI Tamir, SF Cauley, B Gagoski, W Lo, B Bilgic, K Setsompop,
    Wave-encoding and shuffling enables rapid time resolved structural imaging,
    March 2021.

  5. MJ Anderson, JI Tamir, JS Turek, MT Alley, TL Willke, SS Vasanawala, M Lustig,
    Clinically deployed distributed magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction: Application to pediatric knee imaging,
    September 2018.

Journal Publications

  1. B Levac, S Kumar, A Jalal, JI Tamir,
    Accelerated motion correction with deep generative diffusion models,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2024;92(2):853-868. doi:

  2. SS Iyer, F Ong, X Cao, C Liao, L Daniel, JI Tamir, K Setsompop,
    Polynomial preconditioners for regularized linear inverse problems,
    SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2024;17(1):116-146. doi: 10.1137/22M1530355.

  3. S Kumar, H Saber, O Charron, L Freeman, JI Tamir,
    Correcting synthetic mri contrast-weighted images using deep learning,
    Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2024;106:43-54. doi:

  4. MC Wilmanski, JI Tamir,
    Differentiable rendering for synthetic aperture radar imagery,
    IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 2024;60(1):82-93. doi: 10.1109/TAES.2023.3303856.

  5. A Klivans, AG Dimakis, K Grauman, JI Tamir, DJ Diaz, K Davidson,
    Institute for foundations of machine learning (ifml): Advancing ai systems that will transform our world,
    AI Magazine 2024;45(1):35-41. doi:

  6. K Wang, M Doneva, J Meineke, T Amthor, E Karasan, F Tan, JI Tamir, SX Yu, M Lustig,
    High-fidelity direct contrast synthesis from magnetic resonance fingerprinting,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2023;90(5):2116-2129. doi:

  7. M Arvinte, JI Tamir,
    Mimo channel estimation using score-based generative models,
    IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2023;22(6):3698-3713. doi: 10.1109/TWC.2022.3220784.

  8. BR Levac, M Arvinte, JI Tamir,
    Federated end-to-end unrolled models for magnetic resonance image reconstruction,
    Bioengineering 2023;10(3): doi: 10.3390/bioengineering10030364.

  9. KP Slavkova, JC DiCarlo, V Wadhwa, C Wu, J Virostko, S Kumar, TE Yankeelov, JI Tamir,
    An untrained deep learning method for reconstructing dynamic magnetic resonance images from accelerated model-based data,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022; doi:

  10. M Arvinte, S Vishwanath, AH Tewfik, JI Tamir,
    Joint high-dimensional soft bit estimation and quantization using deep learning,
    J Wireless Com Network 2022;

  11. K Wang, JI Tamir, AD Goyeneche, U Wollner, R Brada, S Yu, M Lustig,
    High fidelity deep learning-based MRI reconstruction with instance-wise discriminative feature matching loss,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2022;

  12. E Shimron, JI Tamir, K Wang, M Lustig,
    Implicit data crimes: Machine learning bias arising from misuse of public data,
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022;119(13):e2117203119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2117203119.

  13. S Pasumarthi, JI Tamir, S Christensen, G Zaharchuk, T Zhang, E Gong,
    A generic deep learning model for reduced gadolinium dose in contrast-enhanced brain mri,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021;86(3):1687–1700. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28808.

  14. H Luo, T Zhang, N Gong, JI Tamir, SP Venkata, C Xu, Y Duan, T Zhou, F Zhou, G Zaharchuk, J Xue, Y Liu,
    Deep learning–based methods may minimize gbca dosage in brain mri,
    European Radiology 2021;1–10. doi: 10.1007/s00330-021-07848-3.

  15. K Gopalan, JI Tamir, AC Arias, M Lustig,
    Quantitative anatomy mimicking slice phantoms,
    Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2021;86(2):1159–1166. doi: 10.1002/mrm.28740.

  16. M Kellman, K Zhang, E Markley, JI Tamir, E Bostan, M Lustig, L Waller,
    Memory-efficient learning for large-scale computational imaging,
    IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging 2020;6:1403–1414. doi: 10.1109/TCI.2020.3025735.

  17. JI Tamir, F Ong, S Anand, E Karasan, K Wang, M Lustig,
    Computational mri with physics-based constraints: Application to multicontrast and quantitative imaging,
    IEEE signal processing magazine 2020;37(1):94–104. doi: 10.1109/MSP.2019.2940062.

  18. JI Tamir, V Taviani, MT Alley, BC Perkins, L Hart, K O’Brien, F Wishah, JK Sandberg, MJ Anderson, JS Turek, TL Willke, M Lustig, SS Vasanawala,
    Targeted rapid knee mri exam using t2 shuffling,
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2019;49(7):e195–e204. doi: 10.1002/jmri.26600.

  19. F Chen, V Taviani, JI Tamir, JY Cheng, T Zhang, Q Song, BA Hargreaves, JM Pauly, SS Vasanawala,
    Self-calibrating wave-encoded variable-density single-shot fast spin echo imaging,
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2018;47(4):954–966. doi: 10.1002/jmri.25853.

  20. F Chen, V Taviani, I Malkiel, JY Cheng, JI Tamir, J Shaikh, ST Chang, CJ Hardy, JM Pauly, SS Vasanawala,
    Variable-density single-shot fast spin-echo mri with deep learning reconstruction by using variational networks,
    Radiology 2018;289(2):366–373. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2018180445.

  21. S Bao, JI Tamir, JL Young, U Tariq, M Uecker, P Lai, W Chen, M Lustig, SS Vasanawala,
    Fast comprehensive single-sequence four-dimensional pediatric knee MRI with T2 shuffling,
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2017;45(6):1700–1711. doi: 10.1002/jmri.25508.

  22. JI Tamir, M Uecker, W Chen, P Lai, MT Alley, SS Vasanawala, M Lustig,
    T2 shuffling: sharp, multicontrast, volumetric fast spin-echo imaging,
    Magnetic resonance in Medicine 2017;77(1):180–195. doi: 10.1002/mrm.26102.

  23. JY Cheng, K Hanneman, T Zhang, MT Alley, P Lai, JI Tamir, M Uecker, JM Pauly, M Lustig, SS Vasanawala,
    Comprehensive motion-compensated highly accelerated 4d flow mri with ferumoxytol enhancement for pediatric congenital heart disease,
    Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2016;43(6):1355–1368. doi: 10.1002/jmri.25106.

  24. JI Tamir, DE Tamir, WJ Geerts, S Dolev,
    Compressive scanning of an object signature,
    Natural Computing 2015;14(3):457–467. doi: 10.1007/s11047-014-9460-7.

  25. TS Rappaport, F Gutierrez, E Ben-Dor, JN Murdock, Y Qiao, JI Tamir,
    Broadband millimeter-wave propagation measurements and models using adaptive-beam antennas for outdoor urban cellular communications,
    IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2012;61(4):1850–1859.

Conference Proceedings

  1. A Aali, M Arvinte, S Kumar, JI Tamir,
    Solving inverse problems with score-based generative priors learned from noisy data,
    2023 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2023.

  2. B Levac, A Jalal, K Ramchandran, JI Tamir,
    Mri reconstruction with side information using diffusion models,
    2023 57th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2023.

  3. B Levac, A Jalal, JI Tamir,
    Accelerated motion correction for mri using score-based generative models,
    2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2023.

  4. B Levac, S Kumar, S Kardonik, JI Tamir,
    FSE Compensated Motion Correction for MRI Using Data Driven Methods,
    MICCAI 2022, Singapore, September 2022.

  5. M Arvinte, JI Tamir,
    Score-based generative models for robust channel estimation,
    IEEE WCNC 2022, Austin, Texas, April 2022.

  6. A Jalal, M Arvinte, G Daras, E Price, AG Dimakis, JI Tamir,
    Robust compressed sensing mri with deep generative priors,
    NeurIPS 2021, Online, December 2021.

  7. K Wang, M Kellman, CM Sandino, K Zhang, SS Vasanawala, JI Tamir, SX Yu, M Lustig,
    Memory-efficient learning for high-dimensional mri reconstruction,
    MICCAI 2021, Online, September 2021.

  8. M Arvinte, S Vishwanath, AH Tewfik, JI Tamir,
    Deep j-sense: Accelerated mri reconstruction via unrolled alternating optimization,
    MICCAI 2021, Online, September 2021.

  9. M Arvinte, JI Tamir,
    Wideband and entropy-aware deep soft bit quantization,
    IEEE WCNC 2022, Austin, Texas, April 2021.

  10. AL Rezaabad, R Kalantari, S Vishwanath, M Zhou, JI Tamir,
    Hyperbolic graph embedding with enhanced semi-implicit variational inference,
    AISTATS 2021, Online, April 2021.

  11. M Driscoll, B Brock, F Ong, JI Tamir, H Liu, M Lustig, A Fox, K Yelick,
    Indigo: A domain-specific language for fast, portable image reconstruction,
    IEEE IPDPS 2018, Vancouver, Canada, May 2018.

  12. JI Tamir, ER Elenberg, A Banerjee, S Vishwanath,
    Wireless index coding through rank minimization,
    IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.

  13. JN Murdock, E Ben-Dor, Y Qiao, JI Tamir, TS Rappaport,
    A 38 ghz cellular outage study for an urban outdoor campus environment,
    IEEE WCNC 2012, Shanghai, China, April 2012.

  14. JI Tamir, TS Rappaport, YC Eldar, A Aziz,
    Analog compressed sensing for rf propagation channel sounding,
    IEEE ICASSP 2012, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012.

  15. TS Rappaport, Y Qiao, JI Tamir, JN Murdock, E Ben-Dor,
    Cellular broadband millimeter wave propagation and angle of arrival for adaptive beam steering systems,
    IEEE RWS 2021, Santa Clara, CA, January 2012.

Refereed Conference Abstracts (Outdated)

  1. K. Wang, J.I. Tamir, S.X. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    High-Fidelity Reconstruction with Instance-wise Discriminative Feature Matching Loss,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  2. K. Wang, M. Doneva, T. Amthor, V.C. Keil, E. Karasan, F. Tan, J.I.Tamir, S.X. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    High Fidelity Direct-Contrast Synthesis from Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting in Diagnostic Imaging,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  3. C. Yue Sik Kin, F. Ong, J.I. Tamir, M. Lustig, J.M. Pauly, and S.S. Vasanawala1,
    A Reconstruction Compatible, Fast and Memory Efficient Visualization Framework for Large-scale Volumetric Dynamic MRI,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  4. J.B. Martin, F. Ong, J. Ma, J.I. Tamir, M. Lustig, and W.A. Grissom,
    SigPy.RF: Comprehensive Open-Source RF Pulse Design Tools for Reproducible Research,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  5. I. Chugunov, W. AlGhuraibawi, K. Godines, B. Lam, F. Ong, J.I. Tamir, and M. Vandsburger,
    Multiscale Low Rank Matrix Decomposition for Reconstruction of Accelerated Cardiac CEST MRI,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.

  6. S.P. Venkata, J.I. Tamir, E. Gong, G. Zaharchuk, and T. Zhang,
    Toward a site and scanner-generic deep learning model for reduced gadolinium dose in contrast-enhanced brain MRI,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.

  7. L. HuanyuL, J. Xue, D. Yunyun, X. Cheng, J.I. Tamir, S.P. Venkata, and Y. Liu,
    Clinical performance of reduced gadolinium dose for contrast-enhanced brain MRI using deep learning,
    ISMRM Virtual Conference, Online, August 2020.

  8. J.I. Tamir, S.X. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    Unsupervised Deep Basis Pursuit: Learning Inverse Problems without Ground-Truth Data,
    NeurIPS Workshop on Deep Inverse Problems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.

  9. J.I. Tamir, S. Pasumarthi, E. Gong, G. Zaharchuk, and T. Zhang,
    Improved generalizability of deep-learning based low dose volumetric contrast-enhanced MRI,
    NeurIPS Workshop on Deep Inverse Problems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.

  10. M. Kellman, J.I. Tamir, E. Bostan, M. Lustig, and L. Waller,
    Memory-efficient Learning for Large-scale Computational Imaging,
    NeurIPS Workshop on Deep Inverse Problems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.

  11. J.I. Tamir, S.X. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    Unsupervised Deep Basis Pursuit: Learning Inverse Problems without Ground-Truth Data,
    NeurIPS Workshop on Deep Inverse Problems, Vancouver, Canada, December 2019.

  12. J.I. Tamir, S.X. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    Unsupervised Deep Basis Pursuit: Learning Reconstruction without Ground-Truth Data,
    ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2019.
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]

  13. J.I. Tamir, F. Wishah, J.K. Sandberg, M.T. Alley, M. Lustig, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Five-minute single sequence comprehensive 4D pediatric ankle MRI with T2 Shuffling,
    ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2019.
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]
    [3rd Place, Pediatric Study Group]

  14. J.I. Tamir, M. Lustig, V. Taviani, M.T. Alley, K. O’Brien, B. Perkins, L. Hart, F. Wishah, J.K. Sandberg, M.J. Anderson, J. Turek, T.L. Willke, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Introduction of Targeted Rapid Knee MRI exam using T2 Shuffling into Clinical Practice: Retrospective Analysis on Image Quality, Charges, and Scan Time,
    ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, May 2019.
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]

  15. P. Virtue, J.I. Tamir, M. Doneva, S. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    Learning Contrast Synthesis from MR Fingerprinting,
    ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, June 2018.
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]

  16. J.I. Tamir, V. Taviani, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    Data-Driven Image Contrast Synthesis from Efficient Mixed-Contrast Sequences,
    ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, June 2018.

  17. J.I. Tamir, F. Ong, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    Parameter-free Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing,
    ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, June 2018.

  18. P. Lai, F.S. Hafalir, J.Y. Cheng, J.I. Tamir, S.S. Vasanawala, A.C.S. Brau, and M.A Janich,
    Accelerating Dual Venc 4D Flow Using Compressed Sensing with Locally Low Rank along Velocity Encoding,
    ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, June 2018.

  19. A.T. Roh, J.I. Tamir, J. Shaikh, K.N. Vu, V. Taviani, M. Lustig, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Four-dimensional T2-weighted imaging in prostate MRI with T2 shuffling,
    ISMRM 26th Annual Meeting, Paris, France, June 2018.

  20. J.I. Tamir, V. Taviani, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    Data-Driven Image Contrast Synthesis from Efficient Mixed-Contrast Sequences,
    ISMRM Workshop on Machine Learning, Pacific Grove, CA, March 2018.
    [Best Poster Award]

  21. P. Virtue, J.I. Tamir, M. Doneva, S. Yu, and M. Lustig,
    Direct Contrast Synthesis for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting,
    ISMRM Workshop on Machine Learning, Pacific Grove, CA, March 2018.

  22. J.I. Tamir, M.J. Anderson, J. Turek, A. Roh, M.T. Alley, M. Lustig, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Targeted Rapid MRI Exams and Reconstructions using T2 Shuffling,
    ISMRM-RSNA Co-Provided Workshop on High-Value MRI, Washington, D.C., February 2018.

  23. J.I. Tamir, V. Taviani, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    T1-T2 Shuffling: Multi-Contrast 3D Fast Spin-Echo with T1 and T2 Sensitivity,
    ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 2017.
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]

  24. J.I. Tamir, M. Lustig, V. Taviani, M.T. Alley, B. Perkins, L. Hart, D. Mortensen, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Targeted Rapid Knee MRI Exam Using T2 Shuffling,
    ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 2017.

  25. K. Gopalan, J.I. Tamir, A. Arias, and M. Lustig,
    Toward 3D Printed, Anatomy-Mimicking, Quantitative MRI Phantoms,
    ISMRM 25th Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, April 2017.

  26. S. Bao, J.I. Tamir, U. Tariq, M. Uecker, P. Lai, W. Chen, M. Lustig, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Fast single sequence comprehensive 4D pediatric knee MRI with T2 Shuffling,
    ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting, Singapore, May 2016.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  27. V. Taviani, D.V. Litwiller, J.I. Tamir, A.M. Loening, B.A. Hargreaves, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Variable Density Compressed Sensing Single Shot Fast Spin Echo,
    ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting, Singapore, May 2016.

  28. M.H. Moghari, J.I. Tamir, J. Axerio-Cilies, T. Geva, and A. Powell,
    Free-breathing 3D Cine Whole-heart Magnetic Resonance Imaging using Compressed Sensing Parallel Image Reconstruction,
    ISMRM 24th Annual Meeting, Singapore, May 2016.

  29. J.I. Tamir, M. Uecker, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    T2 Shuffling with Partial Fourier Acquisition and Reconstruction,
    ISMRM Workshop Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, January 2016.
    [Best Poster Award]

  30. J.I. Tamir, F. Ong, J.Y. Cheng, M. Uecker, and M. Lustig,
    Generalized Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction using The Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox,
    ISMRM Workshop Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Sedona, Arizona, January 2016.

  31. J.I. Tamir, W. Chen, P. Lai, M. Uecker, S.S. Vasanawala, and M. Lustig,
    T2 Shuffling: Multicontrast 3D Fast Spin Echo Imaging,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.

  32. J.I. Tamir, W. Chen, P. Lai, M. Uecker, and M. Lustig,
    Improved Scan Efficiency of 3D Fast Spin Echo with Subspace-Constrained Reconstruction,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.

  33. X. Zou, W. Bian, J.I. Tamir, S. Banerjee, S. Chang, M. Lustig, S. Nelson, and J. Lupo,
    Applicaiton of 3D High-resolution Multi-echo TOF-SWI Acquisition in Radiation-induced Cerebral Microbleeds at 3T,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  34. M. Uecker, F. Ong, J.I. Tamir, D. Bahri, P. Virtue, J. Cheng, and M. Lustig,
    Berkeley Advanced Reconstruction Toolbox,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.

  35. H. Shang, P. Larson, G. Reed, E. Milshteyn, C. Morze, F. Ong, J. Gordon, J.I. Tamir, and D. Vigneron,
    Variable Flip Angle Design for Balanced SSFP Transient State Imaging to Improve HP 13C MRI,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.

  36. J.Y. Cheng, M.T. Alley, T. Zhang, P. Lai, J.I. Tamir, M. Uecker, J. Pauly, M. Lustig, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Soft-gated accelerated Cartesian 4D flow imaging with intrinsic navigation,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.
    [Summa Cum Laude Award]

  37. J.Y. Cheng, K. Hanneman, T. Zhang, M.T. Alley, P. Lai, J.I. Tamir, M. Uecker, M. Lustig, J. Pauly, and S.S. Vasanawala,
    Impact of View Ordering and Soft-Gating on Morphologic Assessment of Congenital Heart Disease with 4D Flow,
    ISMRM 23rd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 2015.

  38. J.I. Tamir, P. Lai, M. Uecker, and M. Lustig,
    Reduced Blurring in 3D Fast Spin Echo through Joint Temporal ESPIRiT Reconstruction,
    ISMRM 22nd Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, May 2014
    [Magna Cum Laude Award]

Selected Talks

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