Current Research Group
Our group is interested in summer, part-time, permanent and consulting
work in applied research and development. Members of this group
are working or have worked at Apple, CISCO, Dropbox, Intel, Google, Samsung, Qualcomm.
Do not hesitate to contact us.
Visiting Professors
Past Visiting Researchers
Prof. Ayman Elezabi
ECNG Department, American University in Cairo, New Cairo, Egypt
Prof. Albert Banchs Universidad Carlos III and
IMDEA Networks, Madrid Spain
Jacek Kibilda
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Prof. Seung Jun Baek, Korea University
Huanle Xu, , Ph.D. Candidate,
Department of Information Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andres Garcia Saavedra , Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Sang Kyun Yun , from Dept. of Comp. and Telecom. Eng., Yonsei University, Korea
Prof. Chong Song , from the Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Kyunghan Lee, Ph.D. Student at KAIST
Kyuho Son Ph.D. Student at KAIST
Texas Exes....
Photo album with assorted pictures since 1993.
Geetha Chandrasekaran
(Ph.D. May 2024)
[Web ]
Opportunistic Quality of SErvice Constrained Scheduling Algorithms for Wirleess Networks
Jianhan Song (Ph.D. December 2023)
[Web ]
Google, NYC.
Thesis: Online Learning Algorithms for Wireless Scheduling
Jean Abou Rahal (Ph.D. August 2023)
Qualcomm, San Diego.
Thesis: Timely Information Sharing in Communication Constrained Systems
Saadallah Kassir (Ph.D. May 2022)
Qualcomm, San Diego.
Thesis: Modeling, Analysis, and Design of Collaborative Services in Vehicular and Cloud/Edge Networks
Michael Stecklein (M.S. May 2020)
[ Web]
Apple, CA.
Pranav Madadi (Ph.D. August 2019, co-supervised F. Baccelli)
[ Web]
Samsung, Mountain View
Thesis: Performance Analysis of Mobile Users in Poisson Wireless Networks
Jiaxiao Zheng (Ph.D. May 2019)
[ Web]
Google, Seattle, WA
Thesis: Resource Sharing in Network Slicing and Human-Machine Interactions
Pablo Caballero Garces (Ph.D. August 2018 - co-supervised Albert Banchs)
[ Web]
Apple, CA .
Thesis: Design and Performance of Resource Allocation Mechanisms for Network Slicing
Arjun Anand (Ph.D. May 2018)
INTEL Oregon.
Thesis: Schedulers for Next Generation Wireless Networks: Realizing QoE Tradeoffs for Heterogeneous
Traffic Mixes
Yicong Wang (Ph.D. December 2017)
[ Web]
Google, CA.
Thesis: Impact of Blockage and Mobility on Collaborative Sensing and Millimeter Wave Based Communication
Yuhuan Du (Ph.D. December 2015)
[ Web]
Dropbox, CA.
Thesis: Analysis and Design of Resource Allocation Policies for Cloud-based Computing
Systems Supporting Soft Real-Time Applications
Virag Shah (Ph.D. August 2015)
[ Web]
Thesis: Centralized Content Delivery Infrastructure Exploiting Resource Pools:
Performance Models and Asymptotics
Zheng Lu (Ph.D. August 2015)
[ Web]
Netflix, CA,
Thesis: Scheduling Wireless Transmissions Exploting Application Awareness and
Knowledge of the Future
Vinay Joseph (Ph.D. August 2013)
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Calicut, India.
Thesis: Mean-Variability-Fairness Tradeoffs in Resource Allocation with Applications to Video Delivery
Yuchul Kim (Ph.D. May 2011)
Currently at Qualcomm, San Diego.
Thesis: Spatial Spectrum Reuse in Wireless Networks: Design and Performance
Ayis Ziotopoulos (Ph.D. May 2011)
[ Web]
Google, CA
Thesis: Design of Platforms for Computing Context with Spatio-Temporal Locality
Bilal Sadiq (Ph.D. August 2010)
[Web ]
New Jersey Research Center, Qualcomm
Thesis: Optimality and Robustness in Opportunistic Scheduler Design for Wireless Networks
Andrey Zykov (Ph.D. December 2009)
Cadence, CA.
Thesis: Exploring Scaling Limits and Computational Paradigms for Next
Generation Embedded Systems
Hongseok Kim (Ph.D. December 2009)
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronic Engineering, Sogang University Korea.
Previously, Member of Technical Staff, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent.
Thesis: Exploring Tradeoffs in Wireless Networks under Flow-Level Traffic: Energy, Capacity and QoS
Balaji Rengarajan (Ph.D. August 2009)
Celect Boston.
Thesis: Self Organizing Networks: Buildling Traffic and Environment Aware Wireless Systems
Jeremy Chen (Ph.D. May 2007, co-supervised)
Google, New York.
Thesis: Frequency Allocation, Transmit Power Control, and Load Balancing with Site Specific Knowledge for Optimizing Wireless
Network Performance
Seung Jun Baek (Ph.D. December 2006)
Associate Professor, Korea University, Korea.
Thesis: Spatial Modelling and Analysis of Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks: An Energy Perspective
Shailesh Patil (Ph.D. May 2006)
Thesis:Opportunistic Scheduling and Resource Allocation Among Heterogenous Users in Wireless Networks
Xiangying Yang (Ph.D. August 2005)
Apple, CA.
Thesis: CDMA Ad Hoc Networks: Design and Performance Tradeoffs
Alex Zemlianov (Ph.D. August 2005)
Director Quantative Analytics, Barclays Capital NY
Thesis: Analysis and Design of Wireless Systems with Interface
and Provider Diversity: Competition and Cooperation
Dogu Arifler (Ph.D. May 2004, co-supervised)
Associate Professor, Dept. Computer Engineerng, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus
Thesis: Network Tomography Based on Flow Level Measurements
Jangwon Lee (Ph.D. August 2003)
Apple, CA.
Thesis: Cooperative Resource Discovery and Sharing in Group Communications
Steven Weber (Ph.D. May 2003)
Professor and Department Head, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Drexel University.
Thesis: Supporting Rate Adaptive Multimedia Streams on the Internet
Carlos Caicedo (M.S. May 2003)
Associate Professor, Syracuse University.
Masters Report: Pricing and Billing of Data Services
Xun Su (Ph.D. December 2002)
Caltech researcher, Fulcrum, currently at A10 Networks
Thesis: Flow based dynamic routing in uncertain network environments
Sankyu Park (Ph.D. December 2002)
Senior Engineer, Broadband Access System Architecture Design Lab, Samsung Electronics Co., Korea
Thesis: Traffic Engineering in Multi-service Networks: Routing, Flow Control and
Provisioning Perpectives
Ram Rajagopal (M.S. December 2002)
Assistant Professor, Stanford University.
Ph.D. at U.C. Berkeley.
Thesis: Efficient Sampling of Abstract Surfaces
Jay. S. Yang (Ph.D. December 2001)
[ Web ]
Department Head of Computer Engineering,
Associate Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology, New Jersey.
Thesis: Enhancing System and User Perceived Performance for Networks Supporting Best Effort Traffic
John Stine (Ph.D. August 2001)
Mitre, VA.
Thesis: Energy Conserving Protocols for Wireless Data Networks
Philippe Girolami (M.S. 2000)
[Web Page ]
Last at Digiplug France.
Tae-Jin Lee (Ph.D. May 1999)
[ Email ]
[ Web]
Professor, School of Information and Communication Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
300 Cheoncheon-Dong, Jangan-Gu
Suwon 440-746, KOREA.
Thesis: Traffic management and design of multiservice networks: The
Internet and ATM Networks
Michael Montgomery
(Ph.D. 1998)
| Web page ]
Currently doing missionary work in South America. |
Thesis: Managing complexity in large-scale networks via flow and network
Ching-Fong Su (Ph.D. 1998)
Quora |
Thesis: Efficient traffic management based on determinstically constrained
Trevor Sosebee (M.S. 1998) |
Jian-Huei Guo (M.S. 1998)
Masters Report: Measurement and analysis of network dynamics |
Wei-Lin Yang (M.S. 1997 )
Masters Report: Estimation and abstraction of available capacity
in large scale networks |